History/Timeline of S. Mills Ely Wholesale Grocery Business…








100 Years Ago Today – November 3, 1919…
In a deed recorded in the County Clerk’s office late Saturday, the S. Mills Ely Co., local wholesale grocers, convey to the McTighe Grocery Co., a five story warehouse building on North Depot street. The consideration was approximately $20,000. (Credit Roger Luther Post; Facebook Broome County History Group; 11-23- 19)

—WOW, new information! S. Mills Ely Co.sold to McTighe Grocery Co. In 1919 about 12 years after the death of S. Mills Ely! I wonder what happened to the McTighe Grocery Co…. present day??? Roger Luther   Joe Danvers    Edward G Brewer    Christine Pavlisak    Ray Linsky