CLICK here for a Video Interview with John Darrow, Class of 1977.
I lived the first 17 years of my life in that little house hidden in the trees at 2 Florence Street. Over the years, and there have been many since then, nearly 40 now, I have never lost touch with the heartbeat of my hometown. First through my Mom and Dad and then through other family. Dad passed in 1992 and Mom lived to see the new millennium. Since then I have reunited with many BCHS classmates, none more important and inspiring to me as Mr. John Darrow.
In the video he harasses me that I did not recognize him at first glance and that is true. But c’mon remember that head of hair. And didn’t he disappear to Broadway or someplace like that for a few years? What a great guy and I am happy he is still alive and kicking.
Who better to interview first to try to illustrate the special spirit I am trying to capture with the production of a 2-hour broadcast celebrating our Greater Binghamton community; our old Binghamton Central High School (BCHS), now Binghamton High School (BHS); our class of 1977 and the soon to be graduating Class of 2017?
Why not embrace & display the full impact of community, school, faith, family & friends during our childhood?
Why not partner with BHS leadership, students & the community to give service now for the future?
Why not focus on our high school years extracting the inspiration in a positive manner to share?
Why not showcase our talents, accomplishments & unique BCHS heritage during the last 40 years while raising funds for our alma mater high school?
John has and is the community spirit and civic pride of our hometown of Binghamton! He has worked tirelessly to restore the Bundy residence into the Bundy Museum of History & Art.
He is an eminent local historian and knows the historic figures he mentions in his interview—Dr. S. Andral Kilmer, George F. Johnson, Brothers Harlow and Willard Bundy—and lots more.
The Class of 2017 does indeed have a future in Binghamton.
John’s comment about our Class of ’77 resonates deeply with me… We have simply just been out of touch… we indeed did go our separate ways.
But now is the time to enjoin again with each other to celebrate our lives and especially the lives of our fellow classmates and esteemed teachers and administrators that have passed on.
I bet if you get involved with our 40th reunion that you will find what I have found. It’s fun and nostalgic to recall the environment and interactions we had in high school amidst the studies, sports and clubs we participated in. But it is more meaningful to share and talk about things we know about now and perspectives we have now that we were not even aware of way back then when we were transformed from kids to adults during those four years at BCHS.
Please share your life experiences and your story to make this an extraordinary 40th high school reunion!
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